The heart of the game is the career mode in which the player shoots up the ranks by winning events - there are overall 20 leagues with five events each. Overall the game features 10 racing modes: the new urban destruction mode (destroying items), normal races, time attack (checkpoint races), elimination (after a timer runs out, the last racer gets eliminated), cop chase (avoiding to get caught by cops), beat'em all (taking the opposition out by crashing them), collector (collecting items), drifting, duel (races against a single car) and under pressure (everyone crashes against the player). Each event rewards stars depending on player's performance and solving extra objectives which in turn unlock more of the 52 licensed cars. Those new cars along with upgrades are purchased with money earned by finishing events. On the courses, the player can find alternative routes and power-ups like turbo boosts or cash.
Besides the career, there is also a free playing mode (playing single events) and multiplayer for up to eight players.
Install apk, unpack data to sdcard/gameloft/games/GloftAIHP
Update: Compatibility with all GPUs and screens, one apk for all devices.
Compatibility: Android ICS and up, all resolutions, all GPUs.
11.13.19: resolution fix v2.0
11.13.19: resolution fix v2.0
Download data (for v1.1.1)
You must unpack the file below into sdcard/gameloft or the game will not work!
Download file (for every 2 months)
You must unpack the file below into sdcard/gameloft or the game will not work!
Download file (for every 2 months)
Info: v1.1.1 based on the Lenovo K860 version (Mali).
Latest update: November 13, 2019.
#Asphalt: Injection HD, , , , , ,