Shark Dash HD (RUS)



Eng:  Shark Dash is a highly addictive game that takes the physics puzzler to fun new heights with a unique cartoonish style starring funny little bath toys! Sharkee and his merry band of toy sharks were living happily in the bathtub. That is, until a bunch of mischievous ducks came along to ruin their peaceful little world.

Install apk, unpack data into sdcard/Android/data/

Update:  without license checking, compatibility with Android 8, other little fixes.
Compatibility: Android ICS and up, all resolutions, all GPUs.

Download data (for v1.0.4)

Info: v1.0.4 based on the Acer A500 version (the game has an universal data for all devices).

Latest update: November 4, 2019.

#Shark Dash HD, , , , 

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