Eng: Fight against evil powers, against six strongest enemies who united to create chaos and disorder in the city. Rescue innocent and weak, do everything that it is necessary to create a real superhero. You are waited for by a fascinating gameplay in which you will be able to use a set of various combinations for blows. Start up a web by means of which you can both move, and attack enemies!
Install apk, unpack data to sdcard/gameloft/games/GloftSMHP
Compatibility: Android ICS and up, all devices, all GPUs.
Download data
You must unpack the file below into sdcard/gameloft or the game will not work!
Download file (for every 2 months)
Info: v1.0.8 based on the Acer A500 (Tegra) version.You must unpack the file below into sdcard/gameloft or the game will not work!
Download file (for every 2 months)
Last update: May 20, 2018.
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